Vision, Mission and Objectives
To enable King Saud University female departments to manage their affairs in order to provide female students with a self-motivating environment with global leadership in science, health and humanities majors.
To provide a supportive educational and research environment capable of fostering distinguished education in University colleges, providing the kingdom with national female leaderships who can develop community, build knowledge economy and community, and adopt distinguished community partnerships that provide quality services locally, regionally and internationally.
- Building a supportive administrative organizational structure for excellence, innovation, administrative quality for female departments, and contributing to improving efficiency and effectiveness.
- Developing information systems that flexibly provide reports and statistics services.
- Developing administrative and academic cadres and building female leaderships that are distinguished academically and administratively.
- Providing support for female students by developing academic guidance, raising awareness of their rights and duties, and encouraging participation in the various campus activities.
- Creating an incentive educational environment through improving classrooms, laboratories, and learning resources, and providing various facilities, services and utilities for colleges.
- Setting an outstanding research environment to support scientific research, global cooperation, and activating the role of research groups in female departments with a view to building the knowledge economy.
- Providing adequate financial resources, establishing an endowment and diversifying financial resources for female humanities colleges.
- Improving the quality of the educational input and output by setting standards for attracting outstanding students, especially post-graduates, and qualifying graduates for the labor market by enhancing their capacities.
- Activating community-based strategic partnerships through building communication with all sectors inside and outside the university to the benefit of community service.